Built-In 700 Series 32 Rb The Built-In 700 Series 32-Inch Gas Grill With Rear Infrared Burner Provides The High-Quality Grilling You Have Come To Expect From Napoleon'S Gas Barbecues, Built Seamlessly Into Your Ideal Outdoor Kitchen. The Marine-Grade Stainless Construction Ensures Stylish Longevity And Unparalleled Performance. Thick, 9-Mm Stainless Steel Cooking Grids Are Virtually Maintenance-Free And Provide Iconic Wave Sear Marks. Precise Temperature Control And The Accu-Probe Temperature Gauge Ensure That You'Re Searing, Smoking, Roasting, Rotisserizing, And Baking With Ease. The Jetfire Ignition System Lights Burners Quickly With A Jet Of Flame. Enjoy Ambiance And Safety, The Nightlight Control Knobs Glow A Glorious Blue Changing To Red When Burners Are In Use. The Built-In 700 Series 32-Inch Gas Grill Has Been Designed Specifically For Ease Of Installation With Integrated Trim And Longer Electrical Wiring For No Design And Functionality Restrictions On Install.